Yumeko - Change the World Sleeping
Project Details
Client – Yumeko
Advertisement agency –Fitzroy
Production company –Matemade

Creative Director Yumeko – Maartje Mastboom
Marketing Manager Yumeko – Marietje de Savornin Lohman
Marketing Communicatie Adviseur Yumeko – Noor Hofland
Creative Director & Partner Fitzroy – Mischa Schreuder
Sr Copywriter Fitzroy – Marten Meijboom
Ass. Creative Director Fitzroy – Thomas van Driel
Project Manager Fitzroy – Orfee Goedkoop
Director – Ruurd Vulink
Ass. Director – Rakhal Heijtel
Producer – Niels Gross
Director of Photography – Roderik Patijn
Gaffer – Ryan Schaminee
First Assistent Camera – Ruben Noordenbos
Light Technician – Tara Bisoen
Production Design – Stephanie de Rooij
Music & Sounddesign – Sjoerd Jansen – Shout
Electrical & Camera assistant – Koen Brinkman
Art Director – Stephanie de Rooij
Stills Photography – Sophie Mylou

Yumeko is for the dreamers. The ones who believe in something better.

Yumeko dreams of a world in which everybody sleeps in 100% sustainable and fairtrade bedding and thus contributes to a better world for people, animals and the environment.

The 2022 campaign; Change The World Sleeping came to life in a collaboration between advertisment agency Fitzroy and Matemade, transforming Yumeko’s brand philossophy into a powerfull visual concept for national TV and online purposes. We see sleepers rising their fists as a sign of doing good. The only difference? The people seem to stretch as they lie comfertably beneath Yumeko bedding.

– This campaign was awarded with a ‘SAN Accent’ in the DURABLES category
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