Classroom of Hope
Project Details
Client – Classroom of hope
Film Production Company – Matemade

Written & Directed by – Rakhal Heijtel & Ruurd Vulink
Director of Photography – Rakhal Heijtel
Edit – Niels Gross
Music – Tony Anderson – Diana
Audiomix – Jorrit Kleijnen – Paraphrase

“Anything can start from a thought”.

The death of Duncan’s brother led Duncan to a chance meeting with an ex-Cambodian child slave named Racky. This chance meeting showed Duncan his life’s purpose – helping the world’s most underprivileged children gain access to life-changing education. Duncan promised Racky that he would come back one day and help him realise his dream of developing rural primary schools. 
It was a promise of hope. When actions are fuelled by hope, courage, belief and passion, anything is possible.

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Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 24/7 BZ